About Me

I teach yoga & breathwork in London alongside my work as a singer & songwriter. Yoga found me later in my active journey; I always loved training at the gym but didn't understand yoga for many years (despite my mum being an avid yogi!) Once I tried it, I loved the physicality of asana (posture) but there was more to it than that. It provided space and clarity which allowed me to build a better version of myself: making me more self-aware, kind and supportive of others.
After 3 years of practising and developing both movement and stillness, I decided that I wanted to share this.(yoga as a tool, accessibilty) , develop my own practise and learn to support others on their journeys inward. I found Zuna Yoga, and travelled to Bali to complete my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. The experience was incredible, and fuelled a life-long passion and urge to explore Yoga in all its forms.
I strive to provide a a safe, open and vibrant space for people to connect with themselves and explore all their realms of being - whatever that may look like. Building classes on a strong foundation of breath and pranayama work, my students and I connect the powerful life force with the artistry of movement. I believe that every individual's journey to self-mastery forever changes and grows. Dedicating time to create space and check in with your body & mind allows you to evaluate where you're at and where you are going. Keep smiling, be kind!
My Personal Story
In a short story I found yoga and my spiritual journey in my mid- twenties, feeling called towards more depth of self and connection to mother earth. It grew very quickly into a consistent need to explore and expand the realms of body and mind.
My connection to practice is rooted in cultivating space for myself, building strength and flexibility to support my body through lives series of events.​
At 30 I experienced a turn of events, having a Stroke out of the blue, paralysing the left side of my body, obviously this was extremely scary. I have luckily recovered to the point of being fully mobile. I personally believe that if I didn’t have my years of practice and deep connection I would not be in the recovered state i am now in. Everyday i’m grateful to the internal instinct that drew me to this work that supported me in preparation for this series of events.
My Approach
I really just want to work with people, as I believe one of the biggest joys in life is connecting to other beings. Ive not quite known what the force is that pulls you toward certain things in this life, but since I was called to this work ive not questioned that pull once. Every inch of self care is so personal and intricate that there will be things and guides/teachers and practices we love and others that just are not for us. We go through life experiencing and expanding our horizons to come to that sense of contentment, clarity, safety, trust. We are all always beginners, I know i’m meant to be a part of the conversation and actualisation of spreading the importance of self work and inner connection.
Self Care Toolbox
Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, life is hard sometimes if not more often than not. We need to have an arsenal of tools we can lean on to support us. I wish there were some of these tools that we were taught in school. some of these tools are so simple but so effective.
Somatic practices, energy practices, breath-work, movement, sound therapy, dancing, shaking, singing. there are many things we can bring into our lives daily that make a big difference on how we experience life. On how we can go about being the best version of ourselves.